Neum underwater film festival 19. i 20 kolovoza 2022. / Međunarodni festival podvodnog filma Neum 2022. 19. i 20 kolovoza
Neum underwater film festival Neum 2022, održava se i ove godine u Neumu 19. i 20. 8. 2022. godine pod pokroviteljstvom Općine Neum i sponzorstvom Federalnog ministarstva kulture i sporta.
Prvi dan Međunarodnog festivala podvodnog filma Neum održati će se projekcije filmova u službenoj konkurenciji uz bogat glazbeni dio programa, a drugi dan će se održavati edukativno ekološke radionice podvodnog snimanja pod nazivom „Podvodni svijet“ na koji se pozivaju autori podvodnih filmova da zajedno s profesionalnim roniocima razmjene mišljenja koja vode sigurnom stvaranju podvodnih filmova.
Ivo Mikulić autor i osnivač Festivala podvodnog filma Neum kaže: Underwater film festival ima za cilj promicanje podvodnog snimanja filmova i uvažavanje ljepote i raznolikosti svega što se nalazi u moru i pod vodom, poticanje kreativnosti vezane za podvodno snimanje te afirmiranje vezano za intenzivniji angažman vezan za očuvanje podvodnog svijeta, morske flore i faune.
Neum underwater film festival misli na autore amatere, na studentske radove, a na festivalu će biti i popratni program sa filmovima koji će biti prikazani – a nisu u borbi za Grand prix. Na festivalu u prvom redu želimo vidjeti potencijalne buduće filmske autore bez obzira na žanr koji će inspiraciju pronaći upravo u Neumu. Ponosni smo prije svega što smo prošlogodišnji Neum underwater film festival održali pred živom publikom i imali odličan odaziv i autora i publike iz cijelog svijeta, što nam je potvrdilo ideju i dalo dodatni motiv i energiju za ovogodišnji Neum underwater film festival – dodao je Mikulić.
Neum se kroz Festival pozicionirao u svjetsko središte podvodnog filma, a filmovi stižu iz Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatske, Grčke, Španjolske, Francuske, Italije, Indije… Uvjet za prijavu na Festival je film snimljen barem 50% vremena pod vodom, morem, jezerom, bazenom, rijekom.
-najbolji film festivala,
-najbolji BH podvodni film,
-najbolji eko film,
-najbolju glazbu i
-najbolju kameru.
I ove godine organizator Udruga Standard najavljuje i nagrade kako za autore tako i za publiku Neum underwater film festivala. „Festival podvodnog filma Neum“ otvoren je za sve kategorije stanovništva i sve kategorije autora (od amatera do profesionalaca). Stoga ako imate podvodni film, potražite upute kako prijaviti film na ili
Prijave podvodnih filmova su otvorene do 12. kolovoza 2022. godine.
Više informacija:
Neum Underwater Film Festival 19. and 20. August 2022. / International Festival
of Underwater film Neum 2022
Neum Underwater Film Festival is being held this year in Neum, on 19. i 20. August 2022. under the sponsorship of the Neum municipality and Federal Ministry of
Culture and Sports.
On the first day of the International Underwater Film Festival, there will be movie
projections in official competitions, along with a rich music program. On the second
day, there will be educational ecological workshops of underwater filming named
“Underwater world”. All of the underwater film authors are invited to the workshop to
share with the professional divers the opinions that lead to a safer creation of
underwater films.
Ivo Mikulic, author and founder of the Underwater film festival Neum states: “The
main goal of this festival is to promote underwater film creations and acknowledge
beauty and diversity of everything there is in the sea and underwater. Also, the goal
is to promote creativity connected to underwater filmmaking and promote a more
intense engagement in preservation of the underwater world, the sea flora and fauna.
Neum Underwater Film Festival also has in mind amateur authors and works of
college students. There will also be an additional program during the festival which
will show the movies that didn’t make it to the battle for the grand prize. During this
festival, we want to see that future filmmakers find their motivation right here in
Neum, no matter the genre they are dealing with.”
We are proud that we held last year’s festival in front of a live audience and had a
great turnout of both audience and authors from all around the world. This only gave
us additional motivation and energy for this year’s Underwater Film Festival Neum.
Through this festival, Neum positioned itself in the world centre of underwater film,
and films are arriving from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Spain, France, Italy,
India… One condition for the acceptance of the film is that at least 50% of it needs to
be made underwater: sea, river, lake, pool…
19.08.2022. in the Summer theatre of hotel Zenit in Neum, 2nd Underwater FIlm
Festival Neum will announce:
-best film of the festival
-best BH underwater film
-best eco film
-best music
-best camera
This year as well, the organiser, Standard association, will present awards for both
authors and audience of Underwater FIlm Festival Neum. The festival is open for
everyone, from amateurs to professionals.
Applications for the underwater film competition are open until August 12, 2022.
So, if you have an underwater film, look for instructions on how to turn in your film
on or
More information can be found on:
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